Premium calcium products that truly meet the physique of pregnant women

Many women pay attention to nutritional supplements during pregnancy. The most common one is calcium supplementation. Although the topic of calcium supplementation during pregnancy is a cliché, there is a lot of knowledge in it. Today, I will talk to expectant mothers about calcium supplementation during pregnancy. : Calcium is particularly important for pregnant mothers. If calcium is insufficient, symptoms such as joint pain, calf cramps, loose teeth, etc. may occur, while in severe cases, it may induce pregnancy-induced hypertension and even endanger fetal health. Therefore, calcium supplementation during pregnancy cannot be ignored. To get a good pregnancy experience, you need a safe, effective and reliable calcium supplement.

RENEED calcium supplements calcium for pregnant women and cares for the health of expectant mothers

Many expectant mothers will have such doubts: Where should calcium supplements during pregnancy start? There is no doubt that dietary supplements are the most primitive way of supplementing calcium and the easiest to achieve. Specifically, eat more beans, milk, eggs, nuts, animal liver and other foods, but unfortunately the body can eventually absorb calcium from food is very limited. What's more worth mentioning is that phosphate and other foods containing phytic acid can block calcium absorption. So on the whole, food tonic is far from being able to meet the needs of calcium supplementation during pregnancy.

Using safe and effective calcium supplements to supplement calcium is the second choice for expectant mothers. But with so many calcium supplements on the market, which one should mothers choose? Many doctors will recommend choosing calcium carbonate, because its calcium content reaches 40%, which is the highest content of all calcium sources. Another "golden partner" for calcium supplementation is vitamin D3, which can further enhance calcium absorption and make full use of the calcium intake. RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 Granules is an excellent calcium supplement. It not only contains calcium carbonate and vitamin D3, but also has its unique "golden ratio"-500mg calcium carbonate plus 200 international units of vitamin D3, calcium Adequate amount, easy absorption, and safer are the safe choices for many mothers to supplement calcium.

RENEED calcium, which integrates many advantages, makes pregnant mothers more at ease

 1. High security. RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 particles are highly safe. The calcium source is directly extracted from high-quality ore selected around the world. It does not contain lead, arsenic, alkali, mercury and other harmful ingredients. It can ensure the purity and safety of the calcium source. It is safer for pregnant women to take care of the baby. Healthy development.

2. Comply with the standard of Chinese medicine. RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 Granules are in line with the Chinese Medicine Standards and are produced in strict accordance with the FDA and CFDA double standards. They do not contain pigments, preservatives, etc., so pregnant women can take it with ease.

3. Moderate calcium content. The calcium content of RENEED calcium carbonate D3 granules is moderate, and the content of 500mg is just right. It is worth mentioning that RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 Granules not only contain 500mg of elemental calcium, but also contain 200IU of vitamin D3. The golden ratio allows calcium to be better absorbed.

4. Fresh and fruity taste good. RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 granules pay attention to the taste, ultra-finely crushed particles, no residue, fresh and light fruity, pregnant women are not easy to cause morning sickness.

5. Eliminate constipation troubles. Finally, RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 Granules are added with a small dose of mannitol, which perfectly solves the pain points of traditional calcium tablet constipation, and keeps expectant mothers away from constipation.

RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 Granules is such a calcium supplement that is very suitable for pregnant women to take. Scientifically and reasonably supplementing various nutrients required during pregnancy has become a compulsory course for pregnant mothers. Calcium supplementation for expectant mothers during pregnancy is related to their own health and the health of the baby. The problem of calcium supplementation during pregnancy must not be ignored. Correct calcium supplementation requires scientific calcium supplementation. The health of pregnant mothers and the health of the baby are the most important.