There is much knowledge about calcium supplementation during pregnancy.

Calcium supplementation for pregnant women during pregnancy is a matter of great concern. Calcium deficiency during pregnancy will not only cause poor fetal development but also cause bone problems in pregnant women. Scientific and effective calcium supplementation methods must be adopted to ensure the healthy development of the fetus and pregnant women. Healthy. But not every mother knows how to scientifically supplement calcium during pregnancy. RENEED tells you that you want to be a healthy pregnant mother. These three important things should have been known and benefited early!

The first thing about calcium supplementation: to know why calcium supplementation during pregnancy

All the calcium needed by the fetus after pregnancy comes from the mother. Calcium deficiency during pregnancy can cause back pain, cramps, loose teeth and so on. In severe cases, it can also affect the growth and development of the fetus, and even affect the smooth progress of delivery. The calcium requirement of pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy is 1,000 mg per day, and in the third trimester of pregnancy it reaches 1200 mg per day. Because each person's physique is different, the amount of calcium absorbed is different, the dietary habits are different, and the amount of calcium intake is different. Under normal circumstances, the daily calcium intake of pregnant women is 500 mg to 800 mg.

The second major thing about calcium supplementation: know the benefits of calcium supplementation during pregnancy

It is understood that calcium intake during pregnancy plays a decisive factor in the strength and compactness of a child's bones. With sufficient calcium in the body, pregnant women are not prone to uncomfortable symptoms after calcium deficiency, and the body is healthy and resistant, and the whole pregnancy will be relatively relaxed. The main components of fetal bones and teeth are calcium. The fetus obtains sufficient calcium in the mother's body, which is good for healthy development.

The third major thing about calcium supplementation: know how to supplement more scientifically during pregnancy

Data from the Chinese Dietary Survey of Pregnant Women show that the daily average per capita dietary calcium intake is only about 479 mg. Pregnant women need 800 to 1000 mg of calcium per day. Except for those obtained from food, they also need to supplement about 500 mg. During pregnancy, in addition to the mother herself, the baby needs to be provided with extra calcium, which requires more calcium supplementation. . Therefore, pregnant women should choose a safe and effective calcium supplement product to supplement their daily calcium needs.

Landy Calcium Carbonate D3 Granules is an excellent calcium supplement. It not only contains calcium carbonate and vitamin D3 at the same time, but also has its unique "golden ratio"—500mg calcium carbonate plus 200 international units of vitamin D3, which effectively promotes The absorption of calcium, "eating one to supplement two", timely provides the pregnant mother and baby with the nutrients needed by the body. RENEED is produced in strict accordance with CFDA and FDA double standards. The calcium source is highly pure, pollution-free, no pigment, no preservatives, and cares for the health of pregnant mothers and babies from the source. In addition, RENEED Calcium has many advantages, fresh and light fruit taste, not easy to morning sickness; adding a small dose of mannitol to prevent constipation; reducing the worries of calcium supplementation for pregnant mothers from every detail, it is a safe choice for many mothers to supplement calcium.

Scientific and reasonable supplementation of nutrients needed during pregnancy has become a compulsory course for pregnant women. Pregnant women should understand the importance of calcium supplementation during pregnancy, and correct calcium supplementation can make the baby grow healthier.