RENEED provides one-stop service for calcium supplementation for the elderly

The elderly are often plagued by chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Calcium will gradually be lost as they age. The loss of calcium is prominent in the elderly. Then, how should the elderly with various chronic diseases scientifically supplement calcium?


Hypertension formula-specialty medication + RENEED + other nutrients

Professional studies have shown that scientific and timely calcium supplementation in elderly hypertensive patients can effectively relieve the symptoms of hypertension while supplementing calcium. The main reasons are the following three aspects. First, calcium has the functions of relaxing blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and preventing arteriosclerosis; secondly, calcium supplementation has a "sodium-removing effect", which can stabilize blood pressure; third, the appropriate amount of vitamin D in RENEED can strengthen the surrounding blood vessels Endothelial cells and muscles reduce the level of angiotensin related to high blood pressure and inflammation. On the contrary, people who lack vitamin D tend to have poorer blood vessel elasticity, are prone to arteriosclerosis, and are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Diabetes formula-specialty medication + RENEED + nutrients

Calcium supplementation is more critical for people with diabetes. The reason is: polyuria in elderly diabetic patients will cause serious loss of calcium with urine; strict dietary control will also lead to insufficient intake of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.; at the same time, high protein intake will promote excessive calcium discharge. Calcium deficiency in the human body is not conducive to the normal secretion of insulin and will increase blood sugar; calcium deficiency can cause hyperparathyroidism, and excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone can promote the occurrence of diabetes. Therefore, scientific calcium supplementation is particularly important for people with diabetes.

Asthma and Bronchial Asthma-Specialty Medicine + RENEED + Nutrients

For the elderly with asthma symptoms, because calcium deficiency can cause tracheal smooth muscle spasm and asthma, calcium supplementation can alleviate the symptoms of asthma to a certain extent; at the same time, calcium also has anti-allergic effects; in addition, asthma patients often take hormone drugs. Severe loss of calcium leads to osteoporosis in the human body. For example, patients with glucocorticoids need longer-term calcium supplementation to prevent osteoporosis than ordinary people.

Toothache, bleeding, loose teeth-specialty medication + RENEED + vitamin C + mouthwash

The tissue structure of the tooth is the same as that of the bone. Many elderly people often experience tooth loosening and tooth bleeding, which is the obvious manifestation of calcium deficiency. Calcium itself has the effect of fixing teeth and hemostasis. The reasonable VD formula of RENEED can activate immune T cells and kill harmful bacteria.

For the elderly, RENEED Calcium Carbonate D3 tablets, which are easy to absorb, safe from natural calcium sources, high in calcium, and economical, are more recommended calcium supplements. RENEED sincerely cares for the health of the elderly, supplementing calcium D at the same time, and scientifically supplementing calcium to avoid the harm of calcium deficiency and various chronic diseases.